GET /users/:id/emr
Parameter | Type | Description |
| User’s or " |
curl -k -X GET -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" "" { "data": { "allergies": { "data": [ { "substance": "A+D" } ], "modified": 1467667527, "modified_by": { "id": "575", "type": "200", "subtype": "", "first_name": "Keven2", "last_name": "Teodoro2", "title": "Dr.", "Suffix": "MD" } }, "conditions": { "data": [ { "condition": "Bleeding problem" } ], "modified": 1465941203, "modified_by": { }, ... } } }
POST /users/:id/emr/:name
Input fields should follow schema from GET /emr/schema
for corresponding :name schema.
Parameter | Type | Description |
| User’s or "-" (dash) for current user |
| Name of emr schema. Eg: conditions, surgeries, allergies, medications, family_conditions, social_history, health_habits |
| The health data object |
| True: User selects not to declare any data; False: User decides to input some data |
Conditions {"data":[{"condition":"Asthma"},{"condition":"Bleeding problem"}], "data_not_reported":false}
Surgeries {"data":[{"procedure":"Heart valve replaced"}], "data_not_reported":false}
Family History {"data":[{"condition":"Alcoholism","relations":["Mother","Father"]},{"condition":"Asthma","relations":["Mother","Father"]}], "data_not_reported":false}
Social History {"data":{"marital_status":"Single","highest_ed":"Grammar school","occupation":"test","num_kids":"5"}, "data_not_reported":false}
Health Habits {"data":{"smoking":"Never","alcohol":"Never","drugs":"qwerty","exercise":"Never"}, "data_not_reported":false}
Medications {"data":[{"name": "Tylenol"}], "data_not_reported":false}
Allergies {"data":[{ "substance": "1-Day" }, {"substance": "12 Hour Nasal"}], "data_not_reported":false}
curl -k -X POST -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":[{"condition":"Asthma"},{"condition":"Bleeding problem"}],"data_not_reported":false}' "" { "data": { "data": { "marital_status": "Single", "highest_ed": "Grammar school", "occupation": "test", "num_kids": "5" } } }