POST /files
Parameter | Type | Description |
| File content |
| File category. This is to mark the usage of the attachments. For now the possible reasons are 'intake_attachment', 'user_consent', 'user_avatar', 'user_document' |
| The token of the user who is uploading the file. They will be considered the file owner. |
curl -X POST \ \ -H 'X-ApiToken: 4df5b2b7dec8a8c40e142e43c1825502' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \ -F file=@/Users/teligeng/Pictures/p878984.jpg \ -F meta.category=user_document { "data": { "id": "5e15d150-19b4-4cbd-b217-332fc71b6977", "name": "p878984.jpg", "size": 40679, "ext": "jpg", "fullpath": "", "meta": { "category": "user_document", "target": { "id": "350936", "type": "user" }, "account": { "code": "5c47c63907c44f0486a16e1dc71b6977" } }, "creator": { "id": "350936", "username": "", "email": "", "full_name": "Ligeng Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Name" } } }
POST /files/:id
Modify the document information. For now, only 'name' is allowed to be modified.
Parameter | Type | Description |
| File name |
curl -X POST \ \ -H 'X-ApiToken: 466c809667919d34d371d4c7d389392b' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -F name=test2.jpg { "data": { "id": "5e1598e7-4118-47ca-84da-0923c71b6977", "name": "test2.jpg", "size": 184259, "ext": "jpg", "fullpath": "https:\/\/\/cc\/ligeng\/files\/view\/5e1598e7-4118-47ca-84da-0923c71b6977?auth_code=ed7e17f29a56cc8c4b2fec812a07e7d30f322b85&time=1579496452", "meta": { "target": { "id": "350936", "type": "user" }, "category": "user_document", "account": { "code": "5c47c63907c44f0486a16e1dc71b6977" } }, "created": 1578473704 } }
DELETE /files/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
| File id |
curl -X DELETE -H "X-ApiToken: c18e9874dccd26482e191f3d7b57d3d8" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "file=@" "" -k { "data": true }
GET /files
Retrieve file list
Parameter | Type | Description |
| The id of the target which is related to the files. Should be equal to user_id if target_type is user or visit_id if target_type is visit. |
| The file of the target which is related to the files. For now the possible values are 'user' and 'visit' |
| The category type of this file. For now the possible reasons are 'user_document', 'intake_attachment', 'user_consent', 'user_avatar'. |
include_shared |
| Include this param will get all the files that tagged user_document and notes files that shared to the user. |
curl --location --request GET \ > '' \ > --header 'X-AccountCode: vclinic' --header 'X-ApiToken: vclinic_api_key' { "data": [ { "created": 1657668358, "creator": { "full_name": "Patient's Name", "type": 200, "username": "62ce09a2940adc6474" }, "ext": "pdf", "fullpath": "", "id": "62ce0306-bd68-8fj3-7771-6dfc0ks8219474", "is_deletable": true, "meta": { "account": { "code": "vclinic" }, "category": "user_document", "target": { "id": "2317820300", "type": "user" }, "visible": true }, "name": "2017-01-21 04:00:00 - filename.pdf", "size": 274988 } ] }
GET /files/:id
Retrieve file info
Parameter | Type | Description |
| File id |
| Auth code returned by other API method |
| Timestamp as returned by other API method |
| (optional) Resized image dimensions in {W}x{H} format. Example: 320x240. If the file is not image, this parameter will be ignored. Resized Image is always PNG format, Content-type: image/png header will be set in response |
curl -X GET "" -k Binary object