Table of Contents | ||||
POST /intakes
Status | ||||
Create intake information.
Code Block |
curl -k -X POST -d "provider=541&reason_for_visit=Test&reset=true&type=1" { "data": { "id": "56e8c536-566c-44b6-bbca-66f0ac1f0144", "custom_is_allergic": "Yes", "custom_symptoms": "Rash, Red Eyes", "custom_symptoms_duration": "2 weeks" } } |
POST /intakes/:id
Status | ||||
Update intake information
Code Block |
curl -X POST -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "location=CA" -F "phone=7123456789" -F "reason_for_visit=Test intake functionalities 2" "" { "data": { "id": "56e8c536-566c-44b6-bbca-66f0ac1f0144" } } |
GET /intakes/:id
Status | ||||
Get the specific intake
Code Block |
curl -X GET \ -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" \ -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" \ "" { "data": { "modified": 1471465080, "created": 1471465080, "type": "1", "reason_for_visit": "the reason", "attachments": [ { "_id": "57b4c65d-7ef8-461f-8951-43b1ac1f0144", "name": "575004c7-b350-421d-8542-4dcdac1f0144.png", "path": "files/2016/08/17/57b4c65d-7ef8-461f-8951-43b1ac1f0144.png", "size": 12859, "ext": "png", "type": 0, "creator_id": "575", "remark": null, "using": 1, "modified": { "sec": 1471465053, "usec": 966000 }, "created": { "sec": 1471465053, "usec": 967000 } } ], "id": "57b4c678-de20-4c1a-a52b-43e9ac1f0144" } } |
Walkin Visits
POST /visits/add_walkin
Status | ||||
Create a walkin visit
Code Block |
curl -k -X POST \ -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" \ -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" \ -F "provider_id=826" \ -F "intake_id=57a0705e-1c4c-4f24-b51d-3c71ac1f0144" \ -F "room_code=ceproom1" \ "" { "data": { "id": "1525", "member_id": "508", "provider_id": "509", "account_code": null, "code": "56e8c580f55c44a2868b66f0ac1f0144", "start": "1458095488", "end": "1458096388", "actual_start": null, "actual_end": null, "specialty_id": null, "state": null, "type": "1", "status": "10", "completed_by": null, "created": 1458095488, "modified": 1458095488, "room_id": null, "_id": "1525", "payment": { "duration": 15, "amount": "00.00", "description": "FruitStreet Config Level One-time charge" }, "intake": { "provider": "509", "reason_for_visit": "Test intake functionalities 1", "type": "1", "modified": 1458095488, "created": 1458095414, "visit_id": "1525", "id": "56e8c536-566c-44b6-bbca-66f0ac1f0144" }, "provider": { "id": "509", "first_name": "Ligeng", "last_name": "Doctor", "vseeid": "wellikodev+user509", "title": "" }, "member": { "id": "508", "first_name": "Ligeng", "last_name": "01", "vseeid": "wellikodev+user508", "dob": "2014-09-10", "gender": 1, "phone": "6506506500" }, } } |
Asynchronous Visits
POST /visits/add_econsult
Status | ||||
Create an asynchronous e-consult visit. The econsult will be created without scheduling, the providers will see it on their dashboards and will need to accept it.
Code Block |
curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb' \ --header 'X-AccountCode: vclinic' \ --header 'X-ApiKey: 44c4d9bec884a8ca356177bebd59551d' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "intake_id": "6050d1a8-b120-45b4-a568-61a664457b11", "room_code": "vclinic_room_code" }' { "data": { "incharge": false, "isEditExpired": false, "id": "14814100", "member_id": 14396847, "provider_id": 0, "account_code": "vclinic", "code": "6050d2e590d847429d312c8664457b11", "start": 1615909605, "end": 1615910505, "actual_start": null, "actual_end": null, "specialty_id": null, "state": "--", "type": 3, "status": 20, "completed_by": null, "room_id": 10019500, "room_code": "vclinic_room_code", "member": { "id": "14396847", "code": "member_01", "type": "200", "subtype": "", "first_name": "Ligeng", "last_name": "Member 01", "full_name": "Ligeng Member 01", "active": true, "vseeid": "cmo+604ef759ccd04d859847431864457b13" }, "pending_actions": [], "invoice": { "user_id": 14396847, "status": 10, "currency": "USD", "livemode": false, "amount_due": 0, "visit_id": "14814100", "modified": 1615909605, "created": 1615909605, "id": "6050d2e5-f680-4695-b284-2c8664457b11" }, "creator": { "id": "14396847", "code": "member_01", "vseeid": "cmo+604ef759ccd04d859847431864457b13", "type": 200, "subtype": "", "first_name": "Ligeng", "last_name": "Member 01", "account_code": "vclinic" }, "invoice_id": "6050d2e5-f680-4695-b284-2c8664457b11", "intake_id": "6050d1a8-b120-45b4-a568-61a664457b11", "postvisit": { "member_id": "14396847", "class_id": null, "visit_id": "14814100", "modified": 1615909605, "created": 1615909605 }, "account": { "domain": null, "code": "vclinic", "name": "VClinic" }, "room": { "id": "10019500", "code": "vclinic_room_code", "name": "VClinic UAT Room" }, "intake": { "reason_for_visit": "This is to test the API", "question_1": "Answer 1", "question_2": "Answer 2", "location": "--", "modified": 1615909288, "created": 1615909288, "visit_id": "14814100", "invoice_id": "6050d2e5-f680-4695-b284-2c8664457b11", "id": "6050d1a8-b120-45b4-a568-61a664457b11" }, "subtype": 4, "expiry": 1615924905 } } |
Appointment API
GET /availability
Status | ||||
Get provider's available slots
Code Block |
{ "data": [ { "start": 1470186000, "end": 1470186900, "providers": ["123", "345"] }, { "start": 1470186000, "end": 1470186900, "providers": ["123", "345"] } ] ] } |
POST /visits
Status | ||||
Create an appointment
Code Block |
curl -X POST \ -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" \ -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" \ -F "member_id=575" \ -F "slot_start=1470669300" \ -F "slot_end=1470670200" \ -F "type=2" \ -F "intakeId=57a0705e-1c4c-4f24-b51d-3c71ac1f0144" \ "" { "data": { "member_id": 17778181, "provider_id": 12456470, "account_code": "vclinic", "code": "615f2e2eabc46ad94e9b6457b11", "start": 1631628616, "end": 1631628916, "actual_start": 1631628211, "actual_end": null, "specialty_id": null, "state": null, "type": 2, "status": 30, "completed_by": null, "room_id": 1002387, "room_code": "vclinicroom", "modified": 1633630312, "created": 1633627694, "provider": { "id": "12456470", "email": "", "subtype": "482", "vseeid": "", "photo": null, "full_name": "Anton Provider", "title": "", "suffix": "" }, "member": { "id": "17778181", "code": "", "email": "", "vseeid": "cmo+615f28cd70804d8994d62bd564457b11", "photo": null, "full_name": "Anton Test", "phone": "5551231122" }, "subType": 3, "more_provider_ids": null, "guest_emails": null, "guest_mobiles": null, "reminder_type": null, "reminder_time": null, "host_ids": [ "12456470" ], "hosts": [ { "username": "", "email": "", "phone": "", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "vseeid": "", "full_name": "Anton Provider", "title": "", "suffix": "", "id": "12456470", "photo_attachment_id": "", "role": "owner" } ], "creator": { "id": "15729940", "code": "60aed4242c90409099385cef64457b11", "vseeid": "", "type": 160, "subtype": "", "first_name": null, "last_name": null, "account_code": "vclinic" }, "pending_actions": [], "is_test": false, "meeting": { "recording_auto_start": false, "phone_numbers": { "US": [ "+1.650.758.0255" ] }, "hosts": [ "", "" ], "expiry": 1633643316, "conference_pin": 838759, "meeting_id": "1633627695040_2cc263f4-3d07-49fa-97b1-b2955ff40dfa__jitsi" }, "one_time_link_token": "l0vht6wkxj", "notify_list": [], "payment": { "duration": null, "amount": "25.00", "description": "Cloud Clinic Default One-time Charge Message", "id": "615cec5b-14c8-4493-b9ce-365764457b11" }, "intake_id": "615f2de7-8ab8-48d3-80d8-53f564457b11", "related_walkin_id": "18407370", "call_logs": { "total_start": 1633628208, "total_end": 1633628268, "total_duration": 60, "waiting_time": 0, "provider_id_1": "", "call_start_1": 1633628208, "call_duration_1": 60, "wait_time_1": 0, "patients": [ "cmo+615f28cd70804d8994d62bd564457b11" ], "source": "v2", "source_ids": [ "1633628104000_1633627695040_2cc263f4-3d07-49fa-97b1-b2955ff40dfa__jitsi", "1633628745000_1633627695040_2cc263f4-3d07-49fa-97b1-b2955ff40dfa__jitsi" ] }, "incharge": false, "intake": { "provider_id": "12456470", "member_id": "17778181", "room_code": "vclinicroom", "location": "MI", "phone": "5551234415", "type": "2", "room": "vclinicroom", "modified": 1633627623, "created": 1633627623, "visit_id": "18407167", "attachments": "", "reason_for_visit": "", "consent": "true", "consultation": { "description": "test", "duration": 60, "charge": false, "group": false, "slots": 1, "amount": 0, "visible_to_patient": true, "id": "615cec5b-14c8-4493-b9ce-365764457b11", "currency": "USD" }, "id": "615f2de7-8ab8-48d3-80d8-53f564457b11" }, "related_walkin": { "start": 1633628101, "end": 1633631701, "status": 30, "id": "18407370" }, "postvisit": { "member_id": "17778181", "class_id": null, "visit_id": "18407167", "modified": 1633627695, "created": 1633627695, "id": "615f2e2f-c240-4088-a28b-594b64457b11" }, "isEditExpired": false, "room": { "id": "10023087", "code": "vclinicroom", "name": "VClinic UAT", "domain": "", "account_code": "vclinic", "slug": "UAT" }, "account": { "code": "vclinic", "name": "VClinic", "domain": "", "vsee_api": { "meeting": { "enabled": true, "guest_invite_enabled": true, "adhoc_group_call": { "disabled": true } } } }, "root_visit": { "id": "18407167", "group_chat_id": null, "participants": null }, "id": "18407167", "subtype": 3 }, "s": "ms" } |
POST /visits/close
Status | ||||
Close/Cancel a visit or an appointment
Code Block |
curl -k -X POST -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "id=14" "" { "data": { "id": "1525" } } |
POST /visits/delete
Status | ||||
Force cancel a visit. You can use admin token to cancel any existing visits.
Code Block |
curl --location '' \ --header 'X-ApiToken: 614c588d4b03c60d9c6e480d14978164' \ --header 'X-AccountCode: vclinic' \ --form 'id="5010007042332"' |
GET /visits
Status | ||||
Get the visits list of the patient. The frontend can check the data["start"] field. If the start field is greater than the current timestamp then the visit is a upcoming appointment, otherwise it’s a past session. Group appointments and one-to-one appointments are now differentiated by the field visit_group_id
which only exists in group appointments data.
Code Block |
curl -k -X GET \ -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" \ -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" \ "" { "data": [ { "id": "7727", "member_id": "575", "provider_id": "1096", "account_code": "vclinic", "code": "57a07c26947c4544aeef4e5cac1f0144", "start": "1470669300", "end": "1470670200", "actual_start": null, "actual_end": null, "specialty_id": null, "state": null, "type": "2", "subtype": "3", "status": "20", "completed_by": null, "created": 1470135334, "modified": 1470135334, "room_id": null, "_id": "7727", "payment": { "duration": null, "amount": "0.00", "description": "CMO Config Level One-time charge" }, "invoice_id": "57a071d0-c0dc-45a6-9bc3-40fdac1f0144", "provider": { "id": "1096", "code": "563b40f082584368bee10335ac1f0144", "first_name": "Anton", "last_name": "Provider III", "username": "", "vseeid": "conciergedev+user1096", "email": "", "photo": "", "active": true, "title": "", "suffix": "", "tos": true, "phone": "(334) 229-4100", "subtype": "482" }, "member": { "id": "575", "code": "553ea41edfd041bd94475276ac1f0144", "first_name": "Keven2", "last_name": "Teodoro2", "username": "", "vseeid": "conciergedev+user575", "dob": "1983-02-02", "email": "", "gender": 2, "active": true, "tos": true, "phone": "7123456111", "subtype": "" } }, "postvisit": { "visit_id": "9709", "modified": 1473370072, "created": 1473368099, "member_id": "1290", "modifiedBy": "Alexey Provider 2", "draft": false, "attachments": [], "physical_exam": "<p>dfvevofivuoiwue<\/p><p>iou<\/p><p>oi<\/p>", "assessment_plan": "<p>oiuoiwfuweoifu<\/p><p>efweiofweiofuweoif<\/p><p><br><\/p>", "reason_for_visit": "Allergic reaction", "reason_for_visit_other": "", "schema": "", "diagnosis": "Allergic reaction,initial encounter (T78.40XA),Asthma (J45.909)", "patient_instructions": "<p>Plan \/ Discharge...<br><\/p>", "disposition": "Referred to ED", "dea": "", "npi": "" } } |
GET /visits/:id
Status | ||||
Get detailed information for a certain appointment.
Code Block |
curl -k -X GET \ -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" \ -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" \ "" { "data": { "member_id": 17778181, "provider_id": 12456470, "account_code": "vclinic", "code": "615f2e2eabc46ad94e9b6457b11", "start": 1631628616, "end": 1631628916, "actual_start": 1631628211, "actual_end": null, "specialty_id": null, "state": null, "type": 2, "status": 30, "completed_by": null, "room_id": 1002387, "room_code": "vclinicroom", "modified": 1633630312, "created": 1633627694, "provider": { "id": "12456470", "email": "", "subtype": "482", "vseeid": "", "photo": null, "full_name": "Anton Provider", "title": "", "suffix": "" }, "member": { "id": "17778181", "code": "", "email": "", "vseeid": "cmo+615f28cd70804d8994d62bd564457b11", "photo": null, "full_name": "Anton Test", "phone": "5551231122" }, "subType": 3, "more_provider_ids": null, "guest_emails": null, "guest_mobiles": null, "reminder_type": null, "reminder_time": null, "host_ids": [ "12456470" ], "hosts": [ { 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POST /visits/:id?version=2
Status | ||||
Update an appointment
Do the same as above but this time set provider_id
to 0
GET /visits/current
Status | ||||
Get current visit in progress
Code Block |
curl -X GET \
-H "X-ApiToken: 6366a7018a39536a1ef4b63626f8e734" \
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"id": "1504",
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"start": "1459973100",
"end": "1459974000",
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"actual_end": "1458024955",
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"state": null,
"type": "2",
"status": "40",
"completed_by": "508",
"created": 1458024914,
"modified": 1458024914,
"room_id": null,
"_id": "1504",
"payment": {
"duration": 15,
"amount": "00.00",
"description": "FruitStreet Config Level One-time charge"
"intake": {
"provider": "509",
"reason_for_visit": "Test intake functionalities",
"reset": "true",
"type": "1",
"modified": 1458024914,
"created": 1458024708,
"visit_id": "1504",
"id": "56e7b104-ded0-4096-979b-395bac1f0144"
"provider": {
"id": "509",
"first_name": "Ligeng",
"last_name": "Doctor",
"username": "",
"vseeid": "wellikodev+user509",
"email": "",
"active": true,
"title": "",
"tos": false,
"phone": "6506506500"
"member": {
"id": "508",
"first_name": "Ligeng",
"last_name": "01",
"username": "",
"vseeid": "wellikodev+user508",
"dob": "2014-09-10",
"email": "",
"gender": 1,
"active": true,
"tos": true,
"phone": "6506506500"
Visit export
GET /visits/:id/exports/visit_summary
Status | ||||
Retrieve PDF visit summary
Code Block |
curl --location '' \ --header 'X-ApiToken: ******' \ --header 'X-AccountCode: vclinic' OK 200 { "data": { "url": "****" } } |
Understanding Visit object ID