Visit API
POST /intakes V3
Create intake data object
Custom parameters
Apart from the parameters below, any amount of custom JSON field-value pairs may be sent. They will all be saved into the Intake object. Later they may be displayed to the provider (please contact VSee to configure the rendering format).
Parameter | Type | Description |
| (optional) The ID of the provider who is being visited |
| (optional) Reason for visit |
| (optional) Visit type: 1 - walkin; 2 - schedule |
| (optional) Patient’s code ID on behalf of whom the intake will be created |
| Room’s code |
| (optional) Multiple formats supported: |
| (optional) |
| (optional) e.g |
Sample Request
curl -k -X POST -d "provider=541&reason_for_visit=Test&reset=true&type=1"
"data": {
"id": "56e8c536-566c-44b6-bbca-66f0ac1f0144"
Sample Request with Custom Params
curl -k -X POST -d "provider=541&reason_for_visit=Test&reset=true&type=1"
"data": {
"id": "56e8c536-566c-44b6-bbca-66f0ac1f0144",
"custom_is_allergic": "Yes",
"custom_symptoms": "Rash, Red Eyes",
"custom_symptoms_duration": "2 weeks"
POST /intakes/:id V3
Update a selected intake data object
Parameter | Type | Description |
| (optional) The ID of the provider who is being visited |
| (optional) Reason for visit |
| (optional) Visit type: 1 - walkin; 2 - schedule |
| (optional) Patient’s code ID on behalf of whom the intake will be created |
| Room’s code |
| Multiple formats supported: |
| (optional) Required for payment related, the consultation objects can be found at |
curl -X POST -H "X-ApiToken: 5a2eb231d652b49f4d7fc0fbb78328fb" -H "X-AccountCode: vclinic" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "location=CA" -F "phone=7123456789" -F "reason_for_visit=Test intake functionalities 2" ""
"data": {
"id": "56e8c536-566c-44b6-bbca-66f0ac1f0144"
GET /intakes/:id V3
Retrieve a selected intake data object
Walkin Visits
POST /visits/add_walkin V3
Create a walk-in visit
Parameter | Type | Description |
| (optional) The ID of the provider who is being visited if patient is starting an appointment. Shouldn’t pass this for walkins. |
| The ID of the intake. |
| The ID of a scheduled appointment. This one is used in the case when the patient visits a scheduled appointment. |
| (optional) The ID of a scheduled appointment. This one is used in the case when the patient visits a scheduled appointment. |
| (optional) Patient’s code ID on behalf of whom the intake will be created |
| Current room’s code in which the visit will be created |
Asynchronous Visits
POST /visits/add_econsult V3
Create an asynchronous e-consult visit. The econsult will be created without scheduling, the providers will see it on their dashboards and will need to accept it.
Parameter | Type | Description |
| The ID of the intake |
| Room code (required) |
Appointment API
GET /availability V3
Get provider's available slots
Parameter | Type | Location | Description |
| (optional) Room code. If not given, will try to fall back to |
| Search for available slots from this start time |
| Search for available slots up to this end time |
| Search for available slots during certain seconds |
| (optional) Pick only this provider’s slots |
| Intake ID. Should be passed when patient is choosing a slot for an appointment. It will use intake’s location, specialty, etc. |
| Consultation ID. This will help to determine slot duration |
| (beta) Header value is required if the application want to retrieve availablity without user token |
| (beta) Header value is required if the application want to retrieve availablity without user token |
Notes: If application want to retrieve providers availability slots for a room without user token, the following are required X-ApiKey
, X-ApiSecret
, room_code
, start
, end
, consultation_id
. location
will be required if you want to filter by state as well.
Notes: The time range parameters 'start', 'end' and 'duration' obey the following rules:
| input |
| actual |
| start | end | duration | start | end | duration |
1 | not set | not set | not set | available | available+4d | 4d |
2 | set | not set | not set |
| 4d |
3 | set | set | not set | start | end | (ignored) |
4 | set | not set | set |
| duration |
5 | not set | set | not set | end-4d | end | 4d |
6 | not set | set | set | end-duration | end | duration |
7 | not set | not set | set | available | available+duration | duration |
8 | set | set | set | start | end | (ignored) |
(available: The start time of the 1st available slot)
Sample minimal request
Other sample requests
The above data response format will change soon to
POST /visits V3
Create an appointment
Parameter | Type | Description |
| The ID of the visiting patient (optional - only use in paramedic workflow) |
| The timestamp of the beginning of the appointment (in UNIX timestamp format) |
| The timestamp of the ending of the appointment (in UNIX timestamp format) |
| Room code (required) |
| 2 - scheduling |
| The ID of the intake |
| (optional) The ID of the provider who is being visited |
POST /visits/close V3
Close/Cancel a visit or an appointment
Parameter | Type | Description |
| The ID of the visit/appointment |
"patient_end_call" - Patient click End Call button on VSee
"patient_exit_room" - Patient click Exit Waiting Room
"call_ended" - When call ended not by patient, could be due to network problem or provider ended the call
"patient_cancel_appointment" - Patient click cancel appointment button
"max_waiting_time_reached" - Patient side max waiting time reached
POST /visits/delete V3
Force cancel a visit. You can use admin token to cancel any existing visits.
Parameter | Type | Description |
| The ID of the visit/appointment |
GET /visits V3
Get the visits list of the patient. The frontend can check the data["start"] field. If the start field is greater than the current timestamp then the visit is a upcoming appointment, otherwise it’s a past session. Group appointments and one-to-one appointments are now differentiated by the field visit_group_id
which only exists in group appointments data.
For one-to-one appointments, consultation information can be retrieved from intake.consultation; for group appointments, consultation information has to be got from visit_group.consultation.
The following sample response offers 2 example for one-to-one appointment and one for group appointment.
Fields that can be returned for fields with format: "html"
: <u>, <b>, <i>, <strong>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <p>, <br>
GET /visits/:id V3 and Sample Visit Object
Get detailed information for a certain appointment.
Group appointments and one-to-one appointments are now differentiated by the field "visitgroupid" which only exists in group appointments data.
For one-to-one appointments, consultation information can be retrieved from intake.consultation; for group appointments, consultation information has to be got from visit_group.consultation.
POST /visits/:id?version=2 V3
Update an appointment
Parameter | Type | Description |
| (optional) The timestamp of the beginning of the appointment (in UNIX timestamp format) |
| (optional) The timestamp of the ending of the appointment (in UNIX timestamp format) |
| (optional) The ID of the provider who is being visited |
Add provider into a TDB visit
Please supply new provider_id
Remove provider from an appointment
Do the same as above but this time set provider_id
to 0
GET /visits/current V3
Get current visit in progress
Visit export
GET /visits/:id/exports/visit_summary V3
Retrieve PDF visit summary
Understanding Visit object ID
There is a unique field for every Visit object.
However some visits may be related to each other, following these rules:
Field | Sample | Meaning |
| Unique visit ID |
| When an appointment is started, a new visit object of type |
| When an appointment is started, a new visit object of type |
| When a user is invited into an appointment call, the inviting appointment ID is stored here. |