Insurance API

Insurance API

Create / update delete / retrieve insurance detail

The following APIs can be called using patient’s token or Clinic Admin token

GET api_v3/users/:user_id/insurancesV3

This returns a list of insurance cards associated with this user

{ "data": [ { "card_type": "primary", "insurer_code": "(sandbox) HUMANA", "subscriber_number": "11000022", "group_number": "GN00022", "responsible_party": "self", "guarantor_first_name": "VSee", "guarantor_middle_name": "Edward", "guarantor_last_name": "Patient 11000022", "guarantor_dob": "1986-01-01", "guarantor_gender": 1, "guarantor_address": "54 Rainbow St", "guarantor_address_2": "#12-22", "guarantor_city": "Sunnyvale", "guarantor_zip": "10001", "guarantor_state": "CA", "consent": true }, { "card_type": "secondary", "insurer_code": "(sandbox) CALIFORNIA MEDICAL", "subscriber_num": "11000023", "responsible_party": "child", "guarantor_first_name": "VSee", "guarantor_last_name": "Patient 11000023", "guarantor_middle_name": "Edward", "guarantor_dob": "1944-01-01", "guarantor_gender": 2, "guarantor_address": "52 Rainbow St", "guarantor_city": "Sunnyvale", "guarantor_zip": "10001", "guarantor_state": "CA", "consent": true } ], "version": "2.0" }

POST api_v3/users/{user_id}/insurances/importV3

  • Payload should include array of up to 2 insurance detail, one is primary and the other is secondary

  • If insurance type already exists, it will be overwritten

{ "insurances": [ { "card_type": "primary", "insurer_code": "(sandbox) HUMANA", "subscriber_number": "11000022", "group_number": "GN00022", "responsible_party": "self", "guarantor_first_name": "VSee", "guarantor_last_name": "Patient 11000022", "guarantor_middle_name": "Edward", "guarantor_dob": "1986-01-01", "guarantor_gender": 1, "guarantor_address": "54 Rainbow St", "guarantor_address_2": "#12-22", "guarantor_city": "Sunnyvale", "guarantor_zip": "10001", "guarantor_state": "CA", "consent": true }, { "card_type": "secondary", "insurer_code": "(sandbox) CALIFORNIA MEDICAL", "subscriber_number": "11000023", "responsible_party": "child", "guarantor_first_name": "VSee", "guarantor_last_name": "Patient 11000023", "guarantor_middle_name": "Edward", "guarantor_dob": "1944-01-01", "guarantor_gender": 2, "guarantor_address": "52 Rainbow St", "guarantor_city": "Sunnyvale", "guarantor_zip": "10001", "guarantor_state": "CA", "consent": true } ] }
{ "data": [ { "card_type": "primary", "insurer_code": "(sandbox) HUMANA", "subscriber_number": "11000022", "group_number": "GN00022", "responsible_party": "self", "guarantor_first_name": "VSee", "guarantor_middle_name": "Edward", "guarantor_last_name": "Patient 11000022", "guarantor_dob": "1986-01-01", "guarantor_gender": 1, "guarantor_address": "54 Rainbow St", "guarantor_address_2": "#12-22", "guarantor_city": "Sunnyvale", "guarantor_zip": "10001", "guarantor_state": "CA", "consent": true }, { "card_type": "secondary", "insurer_code": "(sandbox) CALIFORNIA MEDICAL", "subscriber_number": "11000023", "responsible_party": "child", "guarantor_first_name": "VSee", "guarantor_last_name": "Patient 11000023", "guarantor_middle_name": "Edward", "guarantor_dob": "1944-01-01", "guarantor_gender": 2, "guarantor_address": "52 Rainbow St", "guarantor_city": "Sunnyvale", "guarantor_zip": "10001", "guarantor_state": "CA", "consent": true } ], "version": "2.0" }

POST api_v3/users/{user_id}/insurances/{primary|secondary}V3

Update primary or secondary insurance

GET api_v3/users/{user_id}/insurances/{primary|secondary}V3

Retrieve primary or secondary insurance

DELETE api_v3/users/{user_id}/insurances/{primary|secondary} V3

Eligibility check

POST api_v3/users/{user_id}/insurances/primary/eligibility/checkV3

  • Check and return queue status and current eligibility status

GET api_v3/users/{user_id}/insurances/primary/eligibilityV3

  • Return queue status and current eligibility status

Claims Center

GET api_v3/reports/claims?from_date=2024-09-02&to_date=2024-09-05V3

  • Return list of visits with other data that is relevant for claim

Retrieve data list

GET api_v3/insurances/list/insurers

Sample request

Sample response

GET api_v3/insurances/list/billing_modifiers

Sample request

Sample response

GET api_v3/insurances/list/dxs

Sample request

Sample response

GET api_v3/insurances/list/procedures

Sample request

Sample response