Sign Up for a Developer Account
1. Create a clinic account
Create a clinic in VSee Preview. Fill up the details and an activation email will be sent to the email address.
2. Confirm your email and finish the setup
Check the registered email and follow the instructions to setup the clinic.
3. Log into your clinic dashboard
You will be redirected to the provider dashboard when the setup is completed.
4. Configure your API application
4.1 Request Developer access from VSee
Please contact or your account manager to gain developer access to your clinic.
4.2. Fetch your API Key and API Secret
For Developers, the API Key/Secret can be found in the Admin Panel → Developers Menu.
Click the Developers menu in the Admin Panel. It will show the application list. Click the application name to show the details.
The popup will show the application details. Click the Key/Secret to show your API Key and API Secret.
4.3. Create an Admin token
Optional step. Click “Create new token” In order to create an Admin Token.
4.4. Use staging credentials
API endpoint: