Getting Started with ClinicKit

Getting Started with ClinicKit

Introduction to VSee ClinicKit

VSee ClinicKit is a comprehensive telemedicine solution designed to enable healthcare providers to deliver virtual care to patients from the comfort of their homes. With VSee ClinicKit, healthcare providers can conduct remote consultations, diagnose patients, and even prescribe medications online. This state-of-the-art telemedicine platform is easy to use and allows healthcare providers to deliver high-quality care to their patients regardless of their location.

Getting Started with VSee ClinicKit

To get started with VSee ClinicKit, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Register for a developer account

To use VSee ClinicKit, you'll need to register for an account. You can follow the guide here:
Sign Up for a Developer Account

Step 2: Download the VSee ClinicKit framework

After you've registered for an account, you'll need to download the VSee ClinicKit framework. The framework is available for both iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded from // TBD Link. You can checkout the sample app to see how it work. You can checkout the integration guide for more detail.

Step 3: Set up your clinic

Before you starting the clinic kit, you should have a ready clinic. You can check out how to setup here:
Sign Up for a Developer Account

Step 4: Generate your API token

To access VSee ClinicKit's API and integrate it with your clinic's existing systems, you'll need to generate an API token. This token serves as a secure and unique identifier that allows you to authenticate and authorize your requests to the VSeeClinic API.

The API token is a long string of characters that you'll need to include in the header of every request you make to the API. This token ensures that only authorized users and applications can access your clinic's data and perform actions on your behalf.

To generate your API token, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your VSee ClinicKit admin pannel.

  2. Navigate to the "Developers" section of the dashboard.

  3. Click on the "New App" button. Each mobile app (Android or iOS) should be a separate app.

  4. Copy the generated API-Key and paste it into the framework setting.

By generating an API-Key, you'll be able to securely connect your clinic's systems to VSee ClinicKit and unlock the full potential of this powerful telemedicine platform.

Step 5: Start seeing patients

Once your clinic is set up and your credentials have been verified, you can start seeing patients using VSee ClinicKit or Using VSee ClinicKit Sample App. To do this, simply navigate to the "Visit" tab in the app and click on "Enter the waiting room." You can then conduct a virtual consultation with your patient using the app's video and chat features.


With VSee ClinicKit, healthcare providers can deliver high-quality virtual care to their patients from the comfort of their homes. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can get started with VSee ClinicKit and start delivering virtual consultations to your patients today.

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