[iOS] ClinicKit Integration


  1. VSeeKit framework https://bitbucket.org/vsee/vseekit-ios

  2. VSeeClinicCore framework https://bitbucket.org/vsee/vseeclinickitcore-ios/src/master/

  3. https://bitbucket.org/vsee/vseeclinicuikit-ios

  4. Sample App for iOS https://bitbucket.org/vsee/vseeclinickit-ios/src/1b6f49d89851a67c3fa36d10a9b9518a3e3d39a4/?at=release%2F1.0

VSeeKit framework

The VSeeKit iOS Framework allows developers to embed VSee functionality into their iOS apps. Multi-way video calling and chat are supported with UI’s tailored for iPhone or iPad in portrait or landscape orientation. VSeeKit currently requires iOS 11 or greater. Going forward VSeeKit will always support at least one major release before the current version of iOS.


Download and Prepare the Framework

  1. Download the VSeeKit framework from the provided source (developer's website or code repository).

  2. Prepare the necessary dependent frameworks and libraries.

VSeeKit requires Xcode 11 and supports iOS 11 and newer. VSeeKit is packaged as a static framework rather than a dynamic framework. Besides the VSeeKit framework your project must link with the following system frameworks and libraries:

  • Accelerate.framework

  • AudioToolbox.framework

  • AVFoundation.framework

  • CFNetwork.framework

  • CoreGraphics.framework

  • CoreMedia.framework

  • Foundation.framework

  • Security.framework

  • SystemConfiguration.framework

  • UIKit.framework

  • VideoToolbox.framework

  • libc++.tbd

  • libicucore.tbd

  • libresolv.tbd

  • libz.tbd

In addition to the static framework, VSeeKit includes a bundle of resources that must be included at the top level of your application. VSeeKit.bundle must be included in the Copy Bundle Resources phase of your app’s build target. Thus your app’s target should look like the following in Xcode under Build Phases for Link Binary with Libraries and Copy Bundle:


VSeeClinicCore framework

The VSeeClinicCore framework is a library that provides functionalities and support classes for developing healthcare applications on the iOS platform.

The VSeeClinicCore framework requires the installation of the VSeeKit framework in order to function and perform video calling tasks.

To use this framework in your project, you need to follow the steps below:


Step 1: Download and Prepare the Framework

  1. Download the VSeeClinicCore framework from the provided source (e.g., developer's website, code repository).

    1. https://bitbucket.org/vsee/vseeclinickitcore-ios/src/master/

Step 2: Add the Framework to Your Project

  1. Open your project in Xcode.

  2. Drag and drop the VSeeClinicCore framework file into the Project Navigator (left column in Xcode) to add it to your project.

  3. In the "Add to targets" dialog, select the targets of your project that you want to use this framework with. Then, click Add to add the framework to the selected targets.

Step 3: Configure Build Phases

  1. Select your project's target in the Project Navigator.

  2. On the Xcode menu, select the "Build Phases" tab.

  3. Expand the "Link Binary With Libraries" section to display the list of frameworks and libraries linked to your project.

  4. Click the "+" button to add a new framework.

  5. In the "Add Other" dialog, find and select the VSeeClinicCore framework file that you added to your project. Click Add to confirm.

  6. Verify that the VSeeClinicCore framework is now listed in the "Link Binary With Libraries" section of your target.

  7. Copy the bundle file VSeeClinicCore.bundle to the Copy Bundle Resources section.


Step 4: Install Dependencies

To install the Pod dependencies for the VSeeClinicCore framework, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project's Podfile.

  2. Add the following lines to the Podfile:

pod 'MagicalRecord' pod 'UICKeyChainStore', '~> 2.1.0' pod 'GBDeviceInfo', '~> 4.2.2' pod 'NSDictionary+SafeGetters' pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 4.0' pod 'SDWebImage', '~> 4.4.2' pod 'Stripe', '~> 14.0.2' pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 1.0.0'

These dependencies are required by the VSeeClinicCore framework to ensure its proper functionality and integration with your project.

  1. Save the Podfile.

  2. Open Terminal and navigate to your project's directory.

  3. Run the following command to install the dependencies:

pod install
  1. Wait for the dependencies to be downloaded and installed. This may take a while depending on your internet connection.

  2. Once the installation is complete, close your Xcode project and open the newly generated .xcworkspace file.

  3. Build and run your project.

Now, with the required dependencies installed, the VSeeClinicCore framework will be able to function properly and perform its intended tasks within your project.

Step 5: Using the Framework in Your Source Code

  1. In your source code file, import the classes and functions you want to use from the VSeeClinicCore framework.

  2. You can then use those classes and functions like any other class or function in your project.

import VSeeClinicCore


Step 6 : VSeeKit key

If you do not have an API key please contact VSee Sales for a free trial API key.

Step 7 : VSeeClinicKey

Generate your API token



The VSeeClinicCore framework provides important functionalities and support classes for developing healthcare applications on iOS. By following the above steps, you can link this framework to your project and utilize its features in your source code. Refer to the framework's documentation and additional resources to learn more about its functionalities and usage.


Example Usage Repo for sample code

The VSeeClinicCore framework provides a comprehensive set of services and functionalities for user authentication, appointment management, and seamless communication with healthcare providers. With this framework, you can easily integrate VSeeClinic features into your application, enabling users to schedule appointments, join virtual visits, and track their upcoming appointments and visit history. Let's explore some of the key services offered by VSeeClinicCore

Authentication API

Clinic & Room API

Intake & Visit API