

Webhook Setting

Webhook URL to be set by developers in the admin control panel

See below:

Sample Webhook Payload

v1 (currently active, will be deprecated later)

visit.created, visit.updated, visit.ended, visit.note.signed_and_sent, visit.invoice.processed

{ "version": "1.0", "id": "5c34979c-30dc-496c-8cd3-6eb9925862c1",    "type": "visit.ended",    "created": 1546950556,    "account_code": "xxx",    "data": {        "id": "28540",        "member_id": "60610",        "provider_id": null,        "start": "1546950546",        "end": "1546951446",        "actual_start": "1546950546",        "actual_end": "1546950555",        "status": "40",        "completed_by": "60610"    } }

v2 (beta)

visit.created, visit.updated, visit.ended

{ "version": "2.0", "id": "5c34979c-30dc-496c-8cd3-6eb9925862c1",    "type": "visit.ended",    "created": 1546950556,    "clinic_code": "xxx",    "data": {        "id": "28540",        "member_id": "60610",        "provider_id": null,        "start": 1546950546,        "end": 1546951446,        "actual_start": 1546950546,        "actual_end": 1546950555,        "status": "cancelled",        "status_updated_by": "60610"    } }


{ "version": "2.0", "id": "5c34979c-30dc-496c-8cd3-6eb9925862c1",    "type": "visit.note.signed_and_sent",    "created": 1546950556,    "clinic_code": "xxx",    "data": {        "id": "28540",        "member_id": "60610",        "provider_id": null,        "start": 1546950546,        "end": 1546951446,        "actual_start": 1546950546,        "actual_end": 1546950555,        "status": "completed",        "status_updated_by": "60610", "note": { "id": xxx, "status": "signed" // new, signed, draft }    } }


{ "version": "2.0", "id": "5c34979c-30dc-496c-8cd3-6eb9925862c1",    "type": "visit.invoice.processed",    "created": 1546950556,    "clinic_code": "xxx",    "data": {        "id": "28540",        "member_id": "60610",        "provider_id": null,        "start": 1546950546,        "end": 1546951446,        "actual_start": 1546950546,        "actual_end": 1546950555,        "status": "completed",        "status_updated_by": "60610", "invoice": { "id": "132", "status": "pending", // pending,processing,paid,closed,forgiven,cancelled,failed,refunded "amount_due": 2500, // amount in cents [TBD] "amount_paid": 1500, // amount in cents [TBD] "currency": "USD", }    } }



Available Webhook Events



Action/when it’s triggered


Patient complete account sign up

Patient complete account sign up

Clinic trial

Provider signup

Admin/users tab

Admin create a new provider

Calendar layout

Create new patient at calendar page when search patient there is no result

Waiting room

Guest enter waiting room

Remote nurse patient search

Remote nurse creates patient account


Patient dashboard

Patient make an appointment with provider

Schedule page

Provider make appointment single/repeat

Patient dashboard

Patient walkin


Patient waiting room

Patient click exit waiting room

Provider visit details page

Provider complete a visit/checkout

Provider visit details page / Calendar edit visit

Provider cancel a visit


Provider dashboard / Provider visit details

Visit status turn to inprogress


Provider visit details page

Provider click sign and send button


Provider visit details page

Whenever there is any update for invoice. We'll know detail with field status

Debugging webhook call

The log of all webhook calls is available on the same admin page.

Detail of each webhook call can be viewed as well.


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