Cerner Integration
With VSee’s integration with Cerner,
Providers can:
Schedule VSee video appointment with patient from Cerner’s Scheduling software.
Get notification within in PowerChart when patient has entered the appointment waiting room.
Chat with patients when they are in the waiting room.
Chat with other caregivers or staff to coordinate care.
Have multiple caregivers join/leave the video session 1-1 or multi-ways with patients throughout the same visit.
Additional benefits: Access other VSee Clinic features/modules from PowerChart, e.g. get consent for treatment during video session, forms and feedback, check patient’s health device data from the Remote Patient Monitoring dashboard, send care instructions and reminders and education materials, etc.
Patients can:
Received multiple customized notifications and reminders for their appointments.
Join VSee video session by
Option 1: join with 1-click / one-time use link in the browser with no download/install.
Option 2: join video appointment from Cerner’s patient portal with Cerner’s 3rd party video integration.
Invite other family members into the video session
Additional benefits: VSee’s low-code/no-code platform allows developers to build complete customized/branded patient app very quickly. Examples include:
Build a complete digital front door for patient engagement
Add customizable intake process with consents and other symptom assessment forms
Connect to medical and consumer health devices to track patient wellness
Manage medication and other chronic conditions
Integration workflows
Backend flow
This is done by the system application.
Use FHIR Appointments SEARCH API to get appointments periodically → find video appointments and create on VSee clinic side
Get patient’s info from the response
Get provider’s info from the response
Create a visit on VSee side
(Optional with Cerner’s 3rd Party video integration) Use FHIR Appointments PATCH API to patch video link back into the Cerner Appointment
Patient receives email notification with video link from VSee
Frontend flow
This is done by the SMART app.
Provider clicks a button to open VSee SMART app
there’s 2 buttons - in the bottom left (Table of Contents menu) and in the top bar (Organizer)
Top left (Table of Contents menu) VSee button only shows up in Patient Chart screen and will take user to the nearest appointment page for this patient.
Top bar (Organizer) VSee button will take user to the dashboard page.
SMART app sends a token with data to VSee endpoint with
Match Appointment ID to VSee visit id (cerner_appointment_id field in VisitData in VSee database).
VSee calls Practitioner API using
to retrieve full provider’s data. Try to find a matching user record by mapping Practitioner’s NPI with VSee provider’s NPIVSee calls Appointment API using
. Try to find a matching user record by mapping Patient’s MRN with VSee patient's MRNOnce the patient joined the meeting, call Appointment PATCH API to update appointment status on Cerner’s side. Status changes to checked-in on Cerner side.
When visit is completed, we Patch status to fulfilled (shows as checked-out in Cerner).
SMART App screenshots
API | Description |
Location + Organization: |
VSee is actively developing and adding resources to support Cerner FHIR APIs. If you have specific needs for your project, please contact to discuss with our integration specialist. Here is a list of some our active implementations: