[React Native] Intake & Visit API
Intake represents the initial registration information collected from a patient during their visit to a healthcare facility.
Create intake
Create an intake with the provided configuration.
const createIntakeResponse = await VSeeClinicKit.createIntake({
reason_for_visit?: string;
member_id?: string;
room_code?: string;
location?: string;
attachments?: string[];
Parameter | Type | Description |
| Array of attachment IDs |
| Reason for visit |
Update intake
Update the current intake with the provided parameters.
await VSeeClinicKit.updateIntake({
id: string;
key: value;
Parameter | Type | Description |
| Intake ID to change |
| Key:Value pair to change |
Visit refers to an appointment or session of patient care at a healthcare facility, storing relevant details such as appointment time, healthcare provider, and associated intake information.
Create a visit from the intake
Create a visit with a given intake.
const createVisitResponse = await VSeeClinicKit.createWalkinVisit({
intake_id: intakeId,
room_code: 'thuatelehealth', //This is the room code of the clinic
Parameter | Type | Description |
| The intake id from create intake request |
| Room code to create visit |
Schedule a visit
To schedule a visit, you need to get available slots
Parameter | Type | Description |
| Room code is required |
| Limit slots from the specific time |
| Limit slots to the specific time |
| Slot duration (in seconds) |
| Intake ID to get list slots based on location/specialies |
| The visit option ID, if you don’t pass the duration param, system will get it automatically from |
Create an appointment from the slot
Parameter | Type | Description |
| Room code is required |
| Appointment start time |
| Appointment end time |
| Provider ID |
| Intake ID to get list slots based on location/specialies |
Get Visits
Retrieves the list of Visits.
Parameter | Type | Description |
| A closure that is called when the retrieval of the upcoming Visits is successful. It takes an array of Visit objects as a parameter, representing the list of upcoming Visits. |
| A closure that is called when an error occurs during the retrieval of the upcoming Visits. It takes an Error as a parameter, indicating the cause of the failure. |