[React native] Sample app screenshot

[React native] Sample app screenshot

Specs & Changes

Patient launches sample app and sees user account options


  • User launches the sample app.

  • User sees sample app splash screen.


  • User may choose to log in if they have a patient account, continue as a guest patient, or log in by SSO token.


  • After log in step, user will see the home dashboard where they will see Enter Waiting Room as the main feature of the app. Also shown are other dummy features that don’t work and are only shown for display purposes.

Patient sees home tab and starts a visit


  • After log in step, user will see the home dashboard where they will see Enter Waiting Room as the main feature of the app.


  • If user taps on the Enter the waiting room option, they will then see the Intake page. They will be asked to complete the intake step.



  • After the intake step, user will be able to enter the waiting room. User will see an embedded browser call UI instead.


  • Once the provider calls them in the visit, user will be able to see the provider during the call.


  • User may end the call anytime. They may tap on the red hangup button. If survey step is enabled, user will be asked to rate their experience. After submitting their survey rating, they will be taken back to the home dashboard.


  • After submitting their survey rating, user may see the thank you page. They may exit the app immediately or wait to be taken back to the home dashboard.


  • If user taps on the Past visits tab, they will see the list of past visits (if available).


  • If there are no past visits, they will see an empty list and a message.


  • To see more about a past visit, they may tap on one item in the list. They will see the past visit detail page. Here they may be able to view the Visit summary or Billing details. If they tap on the Visit summary tab, they will then see the visit summary detail page.


  • If they tap on the Billing tab, they will then see the billing detail page.

Patient scheduling appointment



On home screen, patient can see list of upcoming appointments.

They can press Schedule a Consultation to schedule a new appointment


Patient enter intake form


Patient select appointment date and slot



Patient open and view appointment



Patient start appointment

  • If patient try to start an appointment before > 15 minutes, application will ask to try later



App ask calling method to start appointment



Patient cancel appointment



Visits tab with Upcoming appointment list and Past visits


If patient don’t have any upcoming/past visits yet, app will show Schedule an appointment button

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