[Android] ClinicKit integration

[Android] ClinicKit integration

1. Download

Gradle is the only supported build configuration, so just add the dependency to your project build.gradle file:

dependencies { implementation 'com.vsee.vseeclinickit:$vseeclinickitVersion' }

For VseeKit, please refers to their documentation: VSeeKit - VSee Developers - Confluence (atlassian.net)


2. Initialize

Initialize VseeApi in the onCreate of your Application class.

override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() VseeApi.initialize( this, Config( apiKey = "C6FBB3B4-0126-4A43-AA69-A96653B12EE9", domainUrl = "https://api.vsee.io/vc/next/api_v3/", vseeKitApiKey = "nspgcxjwrn9vozsev4fztvjpu3zs5rcc5ztpdnqg9ieofhv3wwjar0fzzwgdilkj", vseeKitSecret = "23f54bdd46a0b8d3e0ccbae42e9f49330df4c71c4716a63a536d9303dc571dc4" ) ) }

Please contact Vsee for your apiKey , vseeKitApiKey and vseeKitSecret.

3. Example Usage

All of VseeApi APIs are written using Kotlin coroutine which is a powerful tool for asynchronous and concurrent code.

Please refers to this page for a list of supported APIs: VSee ClinicKit API for Android


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