Schedule an appointment flow
Appointment Scheduling Flow Documentation
Use Case: Patient schedules a new medical appointment after logging in.
User has successfully logged in with valid username and password.
Use Case Steps:
User Login
The application initiates the login process.
Call the userLogin
function with the user's credentials.
public func userLogin(userName: String, password: String, success: @escaping() -> Void, failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void) {
// Perform the login process with the provided username and password.
Handle success and failure scenarios appropriately.
Create Intake Information with IntakeConfig:
Define an IntakeConfig
with relevant information.
let intakeConfig = IntakeConfig(reasonForVisit: "Routine check-up")
Use VisitService
to create intake with the provided configuration.
VisitService.shared.createIntake(with: intakeConfig, success: { intake
// Store the intake to update later
}, failure: { error in
// Handle the failure to start the visit using VSeeKit native view.
Get List of Consultation Types:
Retrieve a list of consultation types corresponding to the current room.
public func getConsultationList() throws -> [Consultation]
Select a Consultation Type and Update Intake:
Choose a consultation type from the obtained list.
Update the previously created intake with the selected consultation type.
VisitService.shared.updateIntakeWithConsultation(intake: Intake,
consultation: Consultation,
success: @escaping () -> Void,
failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void)
Use Updated Intake Information to Get Available Room Slots:
Utilize the updated intake information to retrieve a list of available room slots for each corresponding day.
VisitService.shared.getRoomSlotAvailableFrom(date: Date,
provider: Provider?,
intake: Intake,
success: @escaping ([RoomSlot]) -> Void,
failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void)
Select a Room Slot and Schedule the Visit:
Choose a room slot from the list of available slots.
Schedule the visit using the selected intake, provider (if applicable), and room slot.
VisitService.shared.scheduleVisit(intake: Intake,
provider: Provider?,
slot: RoomSlot,
success: @escaping (Visit?) -> Void,
failure: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
Handle success and failure scenarios accordingly.
By following these steps, a patient can successfully log in and schedule a new medical appointment based on their preferences and available slots.